Special Training Events

We occasionally hold special training events so you can learn specific orienteering techniques, such as pacing in uneven terrain, route selection, and racing strategy. Check our events page for these training opportunities.


Control Description Symbols: Confused about what all those map symbols mean? What about those symbols on the control description sheets? Download a guide for more information.


No classes offered at this time.

Basic Instruction

Basic instruction is available at all local events, so check the events page for our schedule.

Permanent Courses

We have several permanent courses set up in Puget Sound-area parks so you can train on your own or try orienteering before attending an event. Below are details about the permanent courses currently in operation. You can download and print a PDF of the course to try on your own. Printed maps may also be available for a fee from park staff.

Bremerton - NAD Park
A color map with two courses is available at the Sheridan Park Community Center, 680 Lebo Blvd. Office hours: 8-5:30 Monday through Friday (360-473-5305). Cost: free. Permanent Course PDF.

Kenmore - St. Edward State Park
Location: Juanita Drive and N.E. 145th Street  Directions.
A color map and booklet are available at the Park Office. The office is usually open 8 – 5 daily. Telephone first (425-823-2992) to be sure the office is open. If the office is not open, leave a message. Ask for a time when you can pick up the map, as rangers are not in the office at all times. Cost is $2. Permanent Course PDF. Instructions page 1. Instructions page 2.

Lynnwood - Lynndale Park
Location: 189th Place S.W. and 72nd Ave. W.  Directions.
A color map is available at the Lynnwood Parks and Recreation Office, 18900 44th Avenue West, Lynnwood. Telephone 425-771-4030. Open daily. Map and Booklet: $2. Permanent Course PDF. Instructions.

Lynnwood - North Neighborhood Park
Location: 44th Ave. W. and 185th Ave. S.W. 
Beginner's course only. A color map is available at the Lynnwood Parks and Recreation Office, 18900 44th Avenue West, Lynnwood. Telephone 425-771-4030. Open daily. Map and Booklet: $2. Permanent Course PDF. Instructions.

Redmond - Farrel-McWhirter Park
Location: From Redmond, north on Avondale Road, right on Novelty Hill Road, left on 102nd for 1 mile, entrance on the left.  Directions
A color map is available at the Redmond Parks and Recreation Office, 16600 NE 80th (Old Redmond Schoolhouse Community Center), Redmond. Telephone 425-556-2300. Map and Booklet: $1. Permanent Course PDF. Instructions page 1. Instructions page 2.

SeaTac - North SeaTac Park
Location: 13773 24th Ave. S. and 185th Ave. S.W.   Directions
A color map is available at the Community Center, 13773 24th Ave. S., SeaTac. Telephone 206-973-4680. Hours: M-Th 8a-10p, F 8a-7p, Sat (Oct-June) 10a-4p, closed Sunday. Map and Description Sheet: free. Permanent Course PDF. Instructions.

Shoreline - Hamlin Park
Location: 15th Ave. N.E. and N.E. 162nd St. Directions
A color map is available on the park's website (www.shorelinewa.gov/parks, look under "Orienteering at Hamlin Park"). Telephone 206-801-2600.

Tacoma - Ft. Steilacoom Park
Location: Steilacoom Blvd. and 87th Ave. S.W., Lakewood. Directions: From the north, take I-5 exit 129, head west on 74th St., continue as road veers left to become Custer Rd. Turn west (right) onto 88th St., continue as it joins Steilacoom Blvd. Continue west on Steilacoom Blvd. to the park entrance at 87th Ave. S.W. From the south, take I-5 exit 127 (Hwy 512) westbound. Turn right onto Tacoma Way, then west (left) onto Steilacoom Blvd. Continue west on Steilacoom Blvd. to the park entrance at 87th Ave. S.W. Permanent Course PDF. Instructions.

If you have questions about any of the permanent courses, please contact Jim Siscel (425-778-7202).


Last update: November 26, 2009

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